Get to know CHAINS&COFFEE …


CHAINS&COFFEE is your cycling calendar for Mallorca listing the best group rides and cycling events on the island. Here you will find a variety of weekly social rides organized by cycling brands, stores, cafés or local cycling clubs. Furthermore we present you a selection of cycling events such as special tours, gravel races and much more.

Made with ❤️ in Mallorca! #weridemallorca

What do we do it for?

We want to make sure you always have all public group rides, social rides and cycling events at hand in one central place, so you don’t miss any chance to ride your bike on Mallorca.
Why? Because we think cycling on Mallorca with a nice group of people is a great way to get to know the local culture and the hidden gems of the island.

What do we do it for?

We want to make sure you always have all public group rides, social rides and cycling events at hand in one central place, so you don’t miss any chance to ride your bike on Mallorca.
Why? Because we think cycling on Mallorca with a nice group of people is a great way to get to know the local culture and the hidden gems of the island.

How does it work?

Just check our website for rides whenever you like or want to join a group ride or you are looking for a cycling event on Mallorca. Here you will find all the important information such as ride organizer, meeting points, departure times, ride distances, routes and more. Of course it is also very handy to follow our Instagram account to stay up to date.

How to get in touch?

If you have a question or want to get in contact with us, just shoot us a DM on Instagram or use the contact form on the website. In case you want to contact the event organizers you can find their contact details in the ride descriptions.
If you want to have your ride featured or want to collaborate with us just send us an email. We look forward hearing from you!

How to get in touch?

If you have a question or want to get in contact with us, just shoot us a DM on Instagram or use the contact form on the website. In case you want to contact the event organizers you can find their contact details in the ride descriptions.
If you want to have your ride featured or want to collaborate with us just send us an email. We look forward hearing from you!