Now that the great summer heat is over and the second main season for cyclists on Mallorca has started again, Holibikes is once again inviting cyclists to its monthly Full Moon Social Rides to Cap Formentor. The name already reveals what is special about these rides. They are actually ridden in the dark.

Yesterday evening, not just us, but around 40 cyclists set off together from the Holibikes Café at 7pm in the evening sun towards Cap Formentor. After the sky had been cloudy across the island in the morning, the sun had taken over during the day and bathed the cloudless evening sky in a warm red.

Arriving at Cap Formentetor at dusk, it was time for a short break to see the large, red full moon rise into the sky over Menorca shortly after 8 pm. Once all the photos and videos had been taken, the group set off on the return journey, now in the dark and in the light of the ever brighter moon. It was interesting to experience that other senses, such as hearing and smell, are much more present in the dark when you can no longer see your surroundings, except for what appears in the cone of light from the bike lamp. Shortly after 9 p.m., everyone was safely back at the Holibikes Café, enriched by a great cycling experience. The crowning glory of the tour was the pizza party and a few refreshing, ice-cold beers.

Many thanks to Camila and Alejandro for organizing the tour and feeding this delicious and free pizza to the hungry cyclist crowd. We’ll be back for another Full Moon Social Ride for sure.

We can really only recommend everyone to take part in this Holibikes ride. If you want to join the next Full Moon Ride in October follow Holibikes and us on Instagram to stay up to date on the next date and further information.
